TOWI(the Earl of)E

A quick break from chapter-bothering (sorry for the lack of updates. Chapter is fighting back) to introduce a new ‘scripted reality’ show, sure to be a hit amongst the coveted ‘early modern history geek’ demographic.

His first mistake was clearly to treat Ireland like a Basildon nightclub.

Starring Robert Dever-ohhhh, because please can #earlymodernpornstar trend on Twitter (hashtag invented by Helen, aka @helenjgm)? It’d be boss. Inspired by Lizzy (@earlymodernpost)’s observation that  ‘Devereux was the original Essex boy’.

I’ll be honest, I’ve never seen TOWIE. Though the picture I based this on makes it look… nah, no, really not something I want to watch. I’m more of a Geordie Shore girl.

Drawing this is a perfectly sensible thing to do when you’re supposed to be writing things.